Danio rerio

Dr1 – From sphere stage to 1-somite (4hpf to 10.7hpf; 360 timesteps; Δt=67 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-mCherry), membranes (EGFP-Hsa.HRAS)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 104 pixels
Voxel size: 1.37µm x 1.37µm x 1.37µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (4.37GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (32.9MB zip)

Dr2 – From sphere stage to 6-somite (4.71hpf to 13.17hpf; 199 timesteps; Δt=153 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-mCherry), membranes (EGFP-Hsa.HRAS)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 120 pixels
Voxel size: 1.37µm x 1.37µm x 1.37µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (3.95GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (15.8MB zip)
Paracentrotus lividus

Pl1 – From 32-cell stage to blastula (4.11hpf to 9.28hpf; 90 timesteps; Δt=207 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-mCherry), membranes (EGFP-Hsa.HRAS)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 79 pixels
Voxel size: 0.55µm x 0.55µm x 1.09µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (1.13GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (324KB zip)

Pl2 – From 32-cell stage to blastula (3hpf to 9.25hpf; 125 timesteps; Δt=180 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-mCherry), membranes (EGFP-Hsa.HRAS)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 78 pixels
Voxel size: 0.52µm x 0.52µm x 1.05µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (1.35GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (296KB zip)
Phallusia mammillata

Pm1 – From gastrula stage to tailbud (5hpf to 8.35hpf; 67 timesteps; Δt=180 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-EGFP)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 109 pixels
Voxel size: 0.75µm x 0.75µm x 1.51µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (1.04GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (428KB zip)

Pm2 – From gastrula stage to tailbud (4hpf to 9.9hpf; 118 timesteps; Δt=180 sec)
Staining: RNA injection 1-cell stage, nuclei (H2B-EGFP), membranes (FM 4-64 bathing)
Volume: 512 x 512 x 135 pixels
Voxel size: 0.69µm x 0.69µm x 1.39µm
Download rawdata and digital embryo (1.1GB zip)
Download digital embryo only (559KB zip)